“I wish I could write a petition to God”

“I explained…. I don’t feel comfortable petitioning for specific things from God, because that feels to me like a kind of weakness of faith…. God might want me to be facing that particular challenge for a reason. Instead, I feel more comfortable praying for the courage to face whatever occurs in my life with equanimity, no matter how things turn out”
she replied “ .. you have every entitlement to participate in the actions of the universe, and to let your feelings be known. So put your opinion out there. Make your case. Believe me- it will at least be taken into consideration”.
you’ve just read parts of a dialogue between Liz and her friend Iva. talking about a petition to God treating the problem of divorce Liz is facing.
Well the idea of a letter petition to God makes me really think of acting the same way, Yes I want let my feelings be known, and Iyes I want also make my case, Yes I am a simple individual among others, and just like it is said in Liz’s petition, the health of the planet is affected by the health of every individual on it.
My letter will be published in this blog, and I want you really share with me yours if you like me thinking about being par of the universe.

“I explained…. I don’t feel comfortable petitioning for specific things from God, because that feels to me like a kind of weakness of faith…. God might want me to be facing that particular challenge for a reason. Instead, I feel more comfortable praying for the courage to face whatever occurs in my life with equanimity, no matter how things turn out”
she replied “ .. you have every entitlement to participate in the actions of the universe, and to let your feelings be known. So put your opinion out there. Make your case. Believe me- it will at least be taken into consideration”.
you’ve just read parts of a dialogue between Liz and her friend Iva. talking about a petition to God treating the problem of divorce Liz is facing.
Well the idea of a letter petition to God makes me really think of acting the same way, Yes I want let my feelings be known, and Iyes I want also make my case, Yes I am a simple individual among others, and just like it is said in Liz’s petition, the health of the planet is affected by the health of every individual on it.
My letter will be published in this blog, and I want you really share with me yours if you like me thinking about being par of the universe.


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